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Indonesia’s Premier Climate Forum

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Indonesia Net-Zero Summit (INZS) is an annual climate conference organized by FPCI, where climate groups, the government, think tanks, private sectors, civil society, diplomatic corps, academics, media and journalists, students, and the wider public will be able to voice out their aspirations for Indonesia’s net-zero future and climate commitments.

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Indonesia Net-Zero 2023 aimed to provide a platform for people across sectors and the general public to discuss and formulate better solutions for Indonesia to address the climate crisis through concrete net-zero targets, Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC), and more ambitious climate actions.


Attended by nearly 10,000 participants, including 3,600+ students, 1,000+ institutions, and 100 climate groups, Indonesia Net-Zero Summit 2023 has become the biggest of its kind in Indonesia. Framed in a climate festival concept, INZS 2023 was a combination of panel discussions on various issues, including climate as an electoral issue, renewable transition, technologies for net-zero, and many others, a town hall and a concert featuring two popular Indonesian bands, KOTAK and D’MASIV.

It’s Now or Never!

Conference Agenda




Opening Plenary


The Climate Crisis in 15 Minutes

Krisis Iklim dalam 15 Menit


Mimbar Iklim: Ambisi Iklim untuk Mencapai Indonesia Emas 2045

Climate Town Hall: Climate Ambitions for Indonesia Emas 2045


Melindungi Indonesia Emas 2045: Kenapa Aksi Iklim Itu Now or Never!

Protecting Indonesia Emas 2045: Why Climate Action is Now or Never!


Krisis Iklim, Tanggung Jawab Siapa?: Gotong-Royong di Tahun Politik Indonesia

The Climate Crisis, Whose Responsibility?: Gotong-Royong during Indonesia's Political Year


Deadline 2030: Cara Menggalang Triliunan Dolar untuk Dunia 1.5°C

The 2030 Deadline: How to Get the Trillion Dollars for a 1.5°C World


Mimpi Indonesia Bebas Emisi: Apakah Kebijakan, Regulasi, dan Insentif Saat Ini Sudah Cukup?

Indonesia’s Net-Zero Dream: Are Current Policies, Regulations, and Incentives Enough?


Resep untuk Iklim: Transisi Energi Terbarukan dengan Speed and Scale

The Climate Prescription: Renewable Transition at Speed and Scale


Small Actions, Big Impact: Cara KAMU Selamatkan Bumi

Small Actions, Big Impact: How YOU Can Save the Planet


Menjaga Semesta, Indonesia Sejahtera: Menilik Potensi Alam untuk Solusi Iklim

Protecting the Earth for a Prosperous Indonesia: Ramping Up Nature-based Solutions for the Climate


Teknologi untuk Net-Zero: Mana yang Benar-Benar Solusi?

The Tech to Net-Zero: Which Are The True Solutions?


Menempatkan Isu Iklim di Hati Pemda Indonesia

Putting Climate at the Heart of Indonesian Local Governments


Menciptakan Lingkungan Politik Indonesia yang Pro-Iklim

Creating a Pro-Climate Political Environment in Indonesia


Rembuk Kebangsaan untuk Iklim

National Dialogue for the Climate


Climate Heroes Award


Konser untuk Iklim

Concert for the Climate

Mitra INZS 2023

Mitra Kampus INZS 2023

Mitra Media INZS 2023

Mitra Korporat

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© 2021-2025 Foreign Policy Community of Indonesia

Sekretariat FPCI

Mayapada Tower 1, 19th Floor, Unit 02

Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Kav. 28

South Jakarta, Jakarta 12920

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